The origin of Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!" is a satirical, retro-sci-fi comic strip that chronicles the (mis)adventures of the lantern-jawed, lunkheaded Brewster Rockit, captain of the space station R.U. Sirius, and his crew of misfits. Under Brewster’s brave and eternally-optimistic leadership, Pam is the tough and pragmatic second-in-command, Cliff is the completely unqualified engineer, Dr. Mel is the scheming science officer, Agent X is the mysterious government agent who gives them their orders and hides their existence from the world, and Winky is the cute, luckless kid who manages to get hurt a lot.

The characters

By Tim Rickard / Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Rockit science: educational strips about science.

With help from Dr. Marc Rayman, Mission leader at NASA.

Copyright tim rickard and Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.